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Practical Solutions for Local Governments – Nabors Giblin Nickerson

Nabors Giblin Nickerson presents: Practical Solutions for Local Governments 

October 16, 2024, 8 am to 5:30 pm  (Welcome reception Oct. 16 @ 6 pm)

Renaissance at Orlando Int’l Airport – 5445 Forbes Pl, Orlando FL 32812

Cost: Complimentary   CREDITS: 9.0 CCLGL credits, 2.0 Ethics credits

The seminar will address emerging and trending local government issues and is designed to problem-solve by providing practical solutions. Topics include: Live Local Act year two; public camping and homlessness; an exploration in the latest changes to the mobility and impact fees law; the unique ethical and professional relationship between Local Government Attorneys and their clients; and more. For additional information an a detailed course schedule, visit www.ngnlaw.com or contact Angela Matherne at [email protected].