Benefits & Services

As a member, you’ll have access to many benefits, including:

  • Discounted CLEs: Members receive a discounted rate on all CCLGL Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs, including our popular annual seminars and conference, and shorter CLE webinars on current topics throughout the year. You can see upcoming and past CLEs on the CLE & Events calendar.
  • Networking Opportunities. During in-person seminars and conferences, the Section hosts networking and social events to help members connect with one another and build relationships. 
  • CCLGLS Discourse Forum: Members have access to the Section’s CCLGL Discourse discussion forum (previously the Listserve), through which our members discuss interesting questions of local government law. This includes access to the archives of prior posts.
  • Scholarships & Grants: To help support the profession and inspire interest in local government law practice, the Section is pleased to provide the following:
    • Law Student Awards: The Section’s annual scholarships are designed to recognize one law student at each Florida law school who has excelled in a  course focused on local government law issues, or has exhibited an interest in local government law during the academic year, by providing a $500 cash award, a plaque recognizing their achievement, and an invitation to participate in the awards luncheon at the Section’s annual meeting.
    • Internship Grants:  The Section’s student internship grant awards program provides grants to Florida local government in-house attorney offices (for counties, municipalities, school boards, and special taxing districts) to fund paid internships for a college student or law student  during the summer each year.
    • Diversity Fellowship Program: The CCLGL Fellowship Program, first enacted in 2021, provides financial assistance for attorneys who have a demonstrated interest in practicing local government law, as well as an interest in greater involvement in the CCLGL Section and its committees, but who would not otherwise be able to participate due to financial constraints. The Section will select a maximum of 2 candidates each year to receive up to $1,000 each, to reimburse them for attending Section meetings and social events.
  • Publications & Social Media.
    • Stetson Law Review: Members receive a free print copy of the Stetson University College of Law’s annual Local Government Law Symposium journal, which includes timely local government law articles and digests of relevant cases from the prior year. The Section’s partnership with Stetson Law Review helps encourage law students to become interested in practicing local government law, while providing a valuable resource of annual articles and case digests on local government law issues. Interested in publishing an article in the Law Review? Reach out to the Section’s Stetson Law Review committee chair.
    • The Florida Bar Journal: The Section sponsors member articles in the Florida Bar Journal; if you’re interested in submitting an article, reach out to the Florida Bar Journal committee chair.
    • The Agenda: The Agenda is the Section’s quarterly newsletter, which provides articles on hot topics and Section news. If you’d like to submit content to the Agenda, reach out to the Agenda committee chair.
    • Social Media: CCLGL Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages are all tools the Section uses to share information related to local government law—including upcoming CLEs, job opportunities, member profiles, Section initiatives, and networking opportunities. Like, Follow, or Friend the Section on social media today! 
    • Document Library: The members-only Document Library includes resources for Section members, including Section bylaws, budget documents, the strategic plan, and the now-retired but still useful Local Government Law Desk Book. The Document Library is also a place where  CCLGL members can voluntarily share pleadings, resolutions, and other documents that may be of interest to other members. 
  • Leadership & Service Opportunities. Members can become involved in the Section in numerous ways, such as serving on Section committees, providing content for Section publications and social media, attending Executive Council meetings, and serving on the Executive Council. Talk to your executive council members to find out how to get involved now!
  • CCLGL Board Certification. Florida Bar Board Certification in the area of City, County and Local Government Law demonstrates a lawyer’s significant commitment to and experience in this field of law. The Section supports its members in pursuing certification through its annual certification review seminar, and other resources.
  • Legislative Tracking. Annual Legislation of Interest to the CCLGL Section is posted on the Florida Bar’s website. 
  • Section Swag.  Share your Section pride with the CCLGLS logo or a cheeky retro design revived from the annals of CCLGLS history!

Contact the appropriate Section committee chair for more information on a particular benefit or service!


We hope you find membership in the Section rewarding and beneficial!

Not a member yet? Join the City, County and Local Government Law Section now to enjoy all the benefits of membership!