Table of Contents
City, County and Local Government Law Section Committees
Chair & Members
Diversity and Inclusion
Xavier Alban, Chair
- Ella Gilbert
- Kimberly Rothenburg
The Diversity and Inclusion Committee helps identify and coordinate strategies for increasing member diversity and engagement, raising awareness of Section benefits, fostering a strong sense of community, and supporting Section goals–including ensuring the Section mirrors our society in its membership and leadership–with thoughtful programs and projects. This committee also administers the Section’s Diversity Fellowship Program, which was adopted in April, 2021.
(Student Internship Grant Awards)
Kelly Fernandez, Chair
- Nick Noto
- Hillary Ryan
- Kristen Coons McRae
- Rafael Paz
The Section’s Student Internship Grant Awards program provides grants to Florida local government in-house attorney offices (for counties, municipalities, school boards, and special taxing districts) to fund paid college student or law student internships during the summer each year. The funds are awarded to those offices that best demonstrate that the student will be afforded an opportunity to gain insight into the practice of local government law. The Grants Committee reviews and awards grant applications, and makes recommendations about the program to the Executive Council.
Law Student Awards
Thomas Fossler, Chair
- Bob Shillinger
The Section’s annual Law Student Awards are designed to recognize one law student at each Florida law school who has excelled in a law school course focused on local government law issues, or has exhibited an interest in local government law during the academic year. Student award winners receive a $500 cash award and a plaque recognizing their achievement, as well as an invitation to participate in the awards luncheon at the Section’s Annual City, County and Local Government Law Seminar. The Law Student Awards committee chair is responsible for contacting each Florida law school to seek student nominees, as well as working with the Section’s Bar Administrator to coordinate communications and awards, and hosting the law students who attend the Annual Seminar.
Edward (“Eddy”) G. Labrador, Chair
- Rebecca O’Hara
The Legislation Committee tracks annual legislation that may be of interest to Section members, and presents it to the Executive Council for review.
- Kimberly Rothenburg, (delegated Chair)
- Patrick Krechowski
- Ella Gilbert
The current Secretary of the Section is the chair of the Membership Committee, per Section 2, Article III of the Section Bylaws.
Mental Wellness
Miriam Soler Ramos, Chair
The Mental Wellness Committee works to provide information and programming to further the goal of destigmatizing mental health issues, and to help CCLGL Section members find support. This may include organizing or moderating stand-alone CLEs or seminar panels.
Appointed Annually by the Section Chair
The nominating committee consists of three (3) members of the Executive Council appointed by the Chair. Traditionally, this consists of three members of the Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee nominates incoming Executive Committee member(s) pursuant to Section 1, Article III of the Section Bylaws.
Janette Smith, Chair
- Joe Ruiz
- Jennifer Cockcroft
The Sponsorship Committee solicits sponsors to support our CLE programs, develops and maintains relationships with our regular sponsors, and proposes new ways to recognize sponsors and increase sponsorships. See the Sponsors page for more details.
Amanda Coffey, Chair
- Janette Smith
- Xavier Alban
- Claudia Capdesuner
The Technology Committee combines several previously separate committees (including the Communications, Social Media, Technology, and Website committees), and is responsible for evaluating the Section’s technology needs. It also administers/moderates the Section’s Discourse platform, updates the Section website, manages contract(s) related to technology and communications, assists in building and sharing social media content, and innovates creative ways to utilize technology to forward Section goals.
CCLGLS Publication Committees
Chair & Members
Florida Bar Journal
Ellie Neiberger, Chair
- Lina Busby
The Florida Bar Journal Committee chair solicits articles on Local Government Topics for the Florida Bar Journal, and assists authors with questions related to publication in the Journal.
Newsletter: “The Agenda”
Cristina Suarez, Chair
- Abigail Jorandby
- James Saunders
- Mary Sneed
The Agenda is the Section’s Newsletter, published two to four times per year. The Agenda Committee chair solicits articles and other features, and formats and publishes The Agenda.
Stetson Law Review Symposium
Jason Ester, Chair
- Regina Kardash
The Stetson Law Review Symposium Committee Chair acts as the liaison between the Section and the Stetson University College of Law, Law Review editorial board. This person ensures the Section contract with the school is up-to-date, shares any news and deadlines related to the annual book, and may assist in soliciting articles for upcoming law journals. The Section’s partnership with Stetson Law Review helps encourage law students to become interested in practicing local government law, while providing a valuable resource of annual articles and case digests on local government law issues.
CCLGLS Award Committees
Chair & Members
Marsicano Award
Mark Barnebey, Chair
- James “Jim” Linn
- Sam Goren
The Ralph A. Marsicano Award is the most coveted and respected award presented by our Section to an attorney who over a period of time has made significant and outstanding contributions to the development of local government law in Florida. The Marsicano Award Committee solicits nominations for the annual award, and may help coordinate logistics related to the award presentation.
Paul S. Buchman Public Service Award
Section Chair
The Paul S. Buchman Public Service Award is awarded annually to a local government attorney for outstanding contributions in the area of legal public service. Traditionally, the Section Chair acts as the Chair of the Buchman Award Committee.
The H. Hamilton “Chip” Rice, Jr. Award
Section Chair
The H. Hamilton “Chip” Rice, Jr. Award is awarded annually to a local government attorney who has served the Section with distinction through mentoring, teaching and leadership. Traditionally, the Section Chair acts as the Chair of the Rice Award Committee.
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Programs
CLE Program Chairs coordinate our recurring CLE events, including annual or bi-annual conferences and seminars. The chairs solicit and cultivate relationships with presenters/speakers, and help the Section’s Bar Administrator to coordinate logistics, marketing, technology, and communications related to the CLE.
Chair & Members
CLE Committee (General)
Unless otherwise delegated, the Treasurer acts as the CLE Committee Chair for special CLEs, including lunch webinars and other programs aside from the annual seminars and conferences (details below). Members:
Chasity O’Steen (delegated chair)
City, County and Local Government Law Certification Review Course— Annual
Andrew Dunkiel, Program Chair
Local Government Law in Florida Conference— Annual
The Chair-Elect is the Program Chair for the Annual Local Government Law symposium, which is coordinated with help from the Chair.
Public Employment Labor Relations Forum (PELRF) — Annual
Glenn Thomas, Program Chair
Sunshine Law, Public Records and Ethics for Public Officers and Public Employees— Annual
Chasity O’Steen, Program Chair
Land Use— Biennial
Nancy Ann M. Stuparich, Program Chair
Public Finance — Biennial
George Smith, Program Chair
Temporary Committees
Bar Liaisons
The Florida Bar
Florida Bar Council of Sections Representative
The Section Chair