Sponsorship Opportunities & Benefits

CCLGL Section Sponsorship Opportunities!


  • Recognition on CCLGL website and in all official CCLGL member communications and The Agenda (Section newsletter)
  • Recognition at all CCLGL CLEs and conferences from the date of confirmed sponsorship to the end of the sponsorship year
  • Invitation to host one (1) virtual CLE on topic of choice with CCLGL promotion (must be approved by the CCLGL and The Florida Bar)
  • Invitation to publish a full-page advertisement in The Agenda with CCLGL promotion (must be approved by the CCLGL and The Florida Bar)
  • Invitation to publish one (1) Sponsor Spotlight for your firm, agency, or company (or yourself, if an individual sponsor); AND up to four (4) spotlights of individual team members (if applicable), to be published on section website and social media (team member spotlights limited to CCLGL members). Spotlights will be in the format designated by the Social Media Committee (for examples, see our Spotlights page)
  • Special recognition at the 50th Public Employment Relations Forum (CCLGL/L&E Sections’ Signature Event):
    • Optional 2-minute introduction for your entity during the event
    • Optional Exclusive sponsor at 1 Breakout Event (ex. Breakfast, AM/PM Break)
    • Optional greeting table to be manned by you during the conference (if available based on venue.)
    • Signage to promote your entity at the event
  • Special recognition at the CCLGL Annual Conference (CCLGL Section Signature Event):
    • Four (4) complimentary CCLGL Annual Conference Tickets – Up to 4 (Value up to $1740)
    • Optional 3-minute introduction for your entity during the conference
    • Optional Exclusive sponsor at two (2) Breakout Events during the Conference week (see below)
    • Optional greeting table to be manned by you during the conference(if available based on venue)
    • Reception: Optional table inside or outside the reception space (to be determined by venue)
    • Reception: Optional signature drink for the evening (if available by venue)


  • Recognition on CCLGL website and in all official CCLGL member communications and The Agenda (Section newsletter)
  • Recognition at all CCLGL CLEs and conferences from the date of confirmed sponsorship to the end of the sponsorship year
  • Invitation to host one (1) virtual CLE on topic of choice with CCLGL promotion (must be approved by the CCLGL and The Florida Bar)
  • Invitation to publish a half-page advertisement in The Agenda with CCLGL promotion (must be approved by the CCLGL and The Florida Bar)
  • Invitation to publish one (1) Sponsor Spotlight for your firm, agency, or company (or yourself, if an individual sponsor); AND up to three (3) spotlights of individual team members (if applicable), to be published on section website and social media (team member spotlights limited to CCLGL members). Spotlights will be in the format designated by the Social Media Committee (for examples, see our Spotlights page).
  • Special recognition at the 50th Public Employment Relations Forum (CCLGL/L&E Sections’ Signature Event):
    • Optional 2-minute introduction for your entity during the event
    • Optional Exclusive sponsor at 1 Breakout Event (ex. Breakfast, AM/PM Break)
    • Optional greeting table to be manned by you during the conference (if available based on venue.)
    • Signage to promote your entity at the event
  • Special recognition at the CCLGL Annual Conference (CCLGL Signature Event):
    • Optional 3-minute introduction for your firm, company, or entity during the conference
    • Optional exclusive sponsor at one (1) Breakout Event during the Conference week (see below)
    • Optional greeting table to be manned by you during the conference (if available based on venue)
    • Reception:  Optional table inside or outside the reception space (to be determined by venue)
    • Reception: Optional signature drink for the evening (if available by venue)


  • Recognition on CCLGL website and in all official CCLGL member communications and The Agenda (Section newsletter)
  • Recognition at all CCLGL meetings, CLEs, and conferences from the date of confirmed sponsorship to the end of the sponsorship year
  • Invitation to host one (1) virtual CLE on topic of choice with CCLGL promotion (must be approved by the CCLGL and The Florida Bar)
  • Invitation to publish a quarter-page advertisement in The Agenda with CCLGL promotion (must be approved by the CCLGL and The Florida Bar)
  • Invitation to publish one (1) Sponsor Spotlight for  your firm, agency, or company (or yourself, if an individual sponsor), to be published on section website and social media (team member spotlight limited to CCLGL members). Spotlights will be in the format designated by the Social Media Committee (for examples, see our Spotlights page).
  • Special recognition at the 50th Public Employment Relations Forum (CCLGL/L&E Sections’ Signature Event):
    • Optional 2-minute introduction for your entity during the event
    • Optional Exclusive sponsor at 1 Breakout Event (ex. Breakfast, AM/PM Break)
    • Optional greeting table to be manned by you during the conference (if available based on venue.)
    • Signage to promote your entity at the event
  • Special recognition at the CCLGL Annual Conference (CCLGL Signature Event):
    • Optional sponsor of one (1) Breakout Event during the Conference week (see below)
    • Optional greeting table to be manned by you during the conference (if available based on venue)


  • Recognition on CCLGL website and in all official CCLGL member communications and The Agenda
  • Recognition at all CCLGL CLEs and conferences from the date of sponsorship to the end of the sponsorship year
  • Invitation to publish a  1/8th page advertisement in The Agenda (Section newsletter) with CCLGL promotion (must be approved by the CCLGL and The Florida Bar, if appropriate)
  • Invitation to publish one (1) Sponsor Spotlight for your firm, agency, or company (or yourself, if an individual sponsor), to be published on section website and social media (team member spotlight limited to CCLGL members). Spotlights will be in the format designated by the Social Media Committee  (for examples, see our Spotlights page)


  • Recognition on CCLGL website and in all official CCLGL member communications and The Agenda
  • Invitation to publish one (1) Sponsor Spotlight for  your firm, agency, or company (or yourself, if an individual sponsor), to be published on section website and social media (team member spotlight limited to CCGLG members). Spotlights will be in the format designated by the Social Media Committee (for examples, see our Spotlights page)

Thursday (Seminar). Breakout Events:


       ___Snack Break (am)

       ___Snack Break (pm)

Friday (Annual Local Government Law in Florida Conference Day 1, CCLGL Annual Meeting, Luncheon, and  Reception/Networking Event). Breakout Events:


       ___Snack Break (am)

       ___Snack Break (pm)

Saturday (Annual Local Government Law in Florida Conference Day 2). Breakout Events:


       ___Snack Break (am)

*Available events may vary per year. Contact the CLE Chair/Chair-Elect for specific details on the annual conference for your sponsorship year.

Contact [email protected] for more information. 

CCLGL Section Sponsorship is for one Section fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). 
Sponsor is responsible for providing a logo and other materials for use in sponsorship recognition. Any sponsorship benefit that requires a sponsor to take an action or provide content (such as writing an article, providing an advertisement, presenting a CLE, providing a Spotlight, etc.), or that is marked as an “invitation” or “optional” benefit, is optional to the sponsor. Each such benefit requires the sponsor to complete the steps in the Sponsor Checklist and otherwise cooperate with Section leadership to coordinate the benefit, or that benefit will be deemed forfeited. Some sponsorship benefits are subject to conditions outside of the Section’s control and may not be available every year. 
Separate opportunities to sponsor individual events or CLEs may also be available at the discretion of the Section.