CCLGL Certification Q&A Webinar (Zoom) – January 23, 2024 (12:00 noon)
Join Andrew B. Dunkiel, the Chair of the CCLGL Certification Review Committee for the Section, along with other board certified attorneys, to discuss study tips and strategies for the Certification Exam. This should be a great event! If you are interested in attending, please email Mr. Dunkiel directly at: [email protected] for the Zoom information.
This Q&A session is not a sponsored CLE. It is an informal meeting with a focus on study tips and strategies. It will not provide CLE credits.
Mark your Calendars: The CCLGL Board Certification Review Course this year is scheduled for the mornings of April 10th, 11th, and 12th, with a lineup of fantastic speakers. The Certification review course provides a comprehensive review of city, county, and local government law topics, and may assist you in preparing for the certification exam. However, those who have developed and present in the program have no information regarding the exam content other than the exam specifications available to all examinees. Candidates for certification should not assume that the course will cover all topics on the exam, or that the exam will cover all topics discussed in the course. Whether you are planning to take the exam, or just want a refresher on local government law, save the date and plan to attend this highly informative CLE.